Meet Our Current Service and Facility Dogs in Training! IDOL was bred by the ABC Cooperative at ACTS and was raised by Steve and Monica. INKA was bred by the ABC Puppy Cooperative at ACTS and was raised by Lily IVORY was bred by the ABC Cooperative at ACTS and was raised by Allison. ICE was bred by the ABC Puppy Cooperative at Susquehanna Service Dogs and is being raised by Emma G. JUNO was bred by the ABC Puppy Cooperative at NEADS and is being raised by EJ JONESY was bred by the ABC Puppy Cooperative at ACTS and is being raised by Brooke. JAZZ was bred by the ABC Puppy Cooperative at ACTS and is being raised by Ed and his family. KALE was bred by the ABC Puppy Cooperative at NEADS and is being raised by Lilly O. KENYA was bred by the ABC Puppy Cooperative at ECAD and is being raised by Steve and Monica. KIWI was bred by the ABC Puppy Cooperative at ECAD and is being raised by Julie Lennon was bred by Guiding Eyes for the Blind and is being raised by Ginny and Bill. LARK was bred by 4 Paws for Ability and is being raised by Sophie LILAC was bred by 4 Paws for Ability and is being raised by Jessica and Scott. LOLA was bred by the ABC Puppy Co-op at NEADS, and is being raised by Candy LONDON was bred by Cathy and is being raised by Cathy and Steve Lentil was bred by ACTS and is being raised by Connie and Mike Latte was bred by ACTS and is being raised by Kim Liberty was bred by ACTS and is being raised by Kristin and family. Loki was bred by ACTS and is being raised by Emily